Juan Mesquida

Juan Mesquida has been involved in implant dentistry since graduating as a DDS in 2005. He was awarded a Masters in Implant Dentistry at ESI Barcelona in 2007 and later in 2008 joined the graduate program in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University, where he graduated in 2011.

During his implant specialty residency at LLU he received the 1st prize for Best Research presentation at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the AAID (Boston, MA) and was awarded with the 1st prize in the Table Clinics category in 2011 (Las Vegas, NV), something that never happened before in 30n years of academy history.

After completing his specialty degree in Implant Dentistry he was appointed assistant professor by the program director at the Implant Department at LLUSD, where he served up until 2021, due to the global pandemic.

Dr. Mesquida lectures internationally on implant dentistry related topics. He has published scientific articles in relevant peer-reviewed journals and has coauthored renowned dental implantology books.