Let’ s share the knowledge & invite our foreign friends to visit Athens on September


20-22 September 2019, I Athens, Greece

Omnipress and ICOI HELLAS in collaboration with SENAME Implant Association, has the pleasure of organizing the 3rd SCDΣ and XVI SENAME International Dentistry Σymposium in Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Center on 20-22 September.

SCDΣ helps in continuing education opportunities and quality information shared by Keynote Speakers, Symposia, hands-on workshops, and exhibition.

This year will be 3 days packed with lectures by renowned international educators in our well known smart casual atmosphere.

Why to attend?

With individuals from everywhere throughout the world concentrated on getting new ideas concerning Dental Health and its advances, this is the best chance to accomplish the greatest get-together of people from the Dental and Oral Care groups. Famous speakers, quality presentations, recent frameworks, novel techniques for dental problems, recent techniques will mark the uniqueness of this conference. It will also pave way for making a good relationship with the dental associates through the B2B meetings and develop better business opportunities.

Invited  Speakers

  • Faten Ben Amor, Sename President, Tunisia
  • Marco  Degidi, Italy  
  • Arzu Demircioglu, Turkey
  • Mariusz Duda, Poland
  • Peter JM Fairbain, South Africa  
  • Roland Glauser, Switzerland
  • Howard Gluckman, South Africa
  • Henry Ho, Singapore
  • Alexis Ioannidis, Switzerland
  • Eitan Mijirisky, Israel
  • Pablo Galindo Moreno, Spain
  • Jaafar Mouhyi, Morocco
  • Ahmed Osman – SENAME General Secretary, Egypt
  • Alberto Rebaudi, Italy  
  • Eric Rompen, Belgium 
  • Gilberto Sammartino, Sename Chairman, Italy
  • Mario Semenza, Italy 
  • Alain Simonpieri – SENAME Past President, France
  • Michael Stimmelmayr, Germany 
  • Roberto Turrini, Italy 
  • Thomas Taha, United Kingdom
  • Ioannis Vergoulis, Greece 

Commercial Podium

  • Salvatore Scolavino, Italy
  • Dimitris Chatziemmanouil, Greece
  • Ioannis Fourmouzis, Greece

 Upcoming Faces Competition Pontium

  • Dr David Mailhes, France
  • Alessandra Miniello, Italy
  • Grazia Leonetti, Italy
  • Charis Beltes, Greece

As always, the Upcoming Faces Podium, will be a special feature for our younger colleagues to compete and inspire us.

“Looking forward to hosting, learning and celebrating this event with all our worldwide friends in beautiful Athens.”

Faten Ben Amor
Gilberto Sammartino
Konstantinos D. Valavanis

SCDΣ is a great platform for exchanging new ideas and research!

20-22 September 2019, Athens

See you there!

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