COG Thread Facelift / Minimally Invasive Blepharoplasty
Ageing of Face and Neck:
Intrinsic (Chronoageing) and extrinsic ageing factors
What is Photoageing?
Glocau classification
Kligman rhytid classification
Necessary anatomic considerations
Facial nerve (course, branches etc)
Superficial temporal artery and vein
Facial artery and vein
Parotid duct (Stensen)
Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS)
Anatomy and Function of Eyelids
Necessary anatomic considerations
COG threads
Philosophy behind threads with side barbs
Indications - Contraindications
Types of COG threads
Advantages of threads with cannula
Photography - Consent forms - Patient treatment file
Treatment Protocols:
Mini facelift
Brow reposition
Neck lift
Possible complications and how to avoid them
Secrets of success
Post-treatment instructions
Combining Cog threads with blood derivatives
What is autologous mesotherapy
Getting familiar with the centrifuge
Differences between PRP-PRF-CGF
How long does it last?
Injecting blood derivatives through the threads
Minimally invasive Blepharoplasty
Plasma Lift Systems
Minimally invasive Blepharoplasty techniques
How long does it last?
Comparison with surgical Blepharoplasty
Secrets of success
Business of non surgical Facelift and minimally invasive Blepharoplasty
Advanced Marketing and Management
Questions & Conclusions

Registration Fee
COG Thread Facelift / Minimally Invasive Blepharoplasty
VIEW OUR UPCOMING EVENTSDates: 24-25/09/2022 (Athens)
• Training on facial injection mannequins
• Treatment plan and training on patients (1 patient per 2 participants)
Participants are certified by FERA Greece
Prerequisite : Prior certification in PDO threads / Mesotherapy / Blood derivatives or previous experience is mandatory
Course duration : 2 days
What is included : Cog threads training manual , Certification, 4 Cog threads per participant, breakfast and lunch for 2 days