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gIDE Library, Interviews
Dr. Yvan Fortin
Dr. Yvan Fortin
The Edentulous Maxilla, tilted implants and the future of zygomatic implants

gIDE Library, Lectures
Dr. Egon Euwe
Dr. Egon Euwe
The Biologic Prosthetic Interface in Modern Esthetic Implantology – Revealing the Hidden Secrets of the Transgingival Part

gIDE Library, Certificate Courses
Dr. George Perri
Dr. George Perri
A-Z in Restorative Implant Dentistry Series (16 Lecture Certificate Series)

gIDE Library, Literature
Dr. Marco Ronda
Dr. Marco Ronda
Management of a Coronally Advanced Lingual Flap in Regenerative Osseous Surgery: A Case Series Introducing a Novel Technique

gIDE Library, Cases
Dr. David Azar
Dr. David Azar
Single Implant Placement in the Upper Jaw Non-Esthetic Indication