Carlo Monaco
Carlo Monaco is Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Bologna (1992). After graduation from the Dental School, he had worked as a scholarship holder at the Department of Oral Sciences, Division of Restorative Dentistry (1994-1996) and at the Division Prosthodontics and maxillo-facial rehabilitation (2000) of the University of Bologna. In 2003 he was invited as a visiting researcher to the Division of Cariology School of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland. In 2000 he obtained the master and in 2005 the Ph.D in Dental Materials at University of Siena. In May 2013 he obtained a second Ph.D in Material Engineering at Faculty of Engineering at University of Bologna, Italy. He is a frequent presenter and lecturer at scientific meetings, and received several national and international awards. He has held numerous continuing education courses in Italy and Europe. He has also reviewer of several scientific journals. He published over 60 papers and book chapters on national and international journals. In the last twenty years he developed with Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli new approaches regarding the relationship between prostheses, new dental materials and periodontics and implant dentistry above all in the esthetic area.