Module E1
▪ StoryTelling in the Modern Practice
▪ Show and Tell, what Equipment is Needed
▪ Optimising Settings
▪ Necessary Images
▪ Standardizing Images
▪ Facial and Dental Aesthetics
▪ BaseLine OrthoGnathoStatic Orientation
▪ IOS Technology and 3D Printing
▪ Intra-Oral Scanning Techniques
▪ Natural Tooth Forms and Dimensions
▪ Interdental Tooth Relationships
▪ Fundamental Objective/Subjective Criteria
▪ White/Pink Aesthetics
▪ SmileMath
▪ Individual Risk Analysis (Bio-Erosion, Caries, HypoSalivation)
▪ Tooth Colour Ageing Process
▪ Vital and Non-Vital Tooth Bleaching Techniques
▪ eLAB (ΔL)
▪ Extra-oral Facial Photography
▪ Intra-oral Dental Photography
▪ Post Processing Photography
▪ Base-Line Registration
▪ Intra-oral Scanning & Post processing
▪ Smile Cloud Software
▪ Smile Cloud Tx Plan
▪ eLAB photography
▪ custom _eyes fabrication
▪ Bleaching Tray Fabrication

Module E2
▪ Smile Analysis and Visual Synthesis for Anterior Dentition
▪ Natural Examples of Different Ageing Stages in Anterior Teeth
▪ Histo-Anatomic Composite Shade Compatibility via custom_eyesTM
▪ Bio-EmulationTM Laminar Techniques in Anterior Teeth
▪ The Adhesive Equation
▪ Finishing, Contouring and Morphological Detailing - Form and Texture
▪ 360° in Depth Polishing Techniques - Longevity of Gloss and Luster
▪ Smile Analysis and Visual Synthesis for Posterior Dentition
▪ Bio-Material Selection Criteria
▪ Caries End Points and Substrate Optimization
▪ Bio-EmulationTM Laminar Techniques in Posterior Teeth
▪ Contemporary Instrumentation Modalities and Matrix Systems
▪ The Adhesive Equation: Bulk Short Fiber Composites
▪ Finishing & Polishing Techniques in Posterior Teeth
▪ custom _eyes fabrication anterior
▪ isolating the anterior zone MAX
▪ isolating the anterior zone MAX
▪ Diastema closure 11/21 and peg laterals 12/22
▪ custom _eyes fabrication posterior
▪ isolating the posterior zone MAX
▪ isolating the posterior zone MAX
▪ CLASS II: 25(OD), 26 (MOD)

Module E3
▪ Additive Technique and Mock-Up
▪ BPR Indications and Classifications for Anterior teeth
▪ Biological Considerations between Horizontal/Vertical Marginal Design
▪ Material Selection in the Adhesive Realm
▪ Preparation Instrumentation and Design
▪ Substrate Optimization via Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS)
▪ BPR Bonding Techniques
▪ BPR Indications and Classifications for Posterior teeth
▪ Biological Considerations between Horizontal/Vertical Marginal Design
▪ Cuspal Coverage; By Choice or by Chance?
▪ Parametric preparation
▪ Deep Margin Elevation Technique
▪ Endo/Restorative Post or not to Post? A Modern Conundrum
▪ Anatomical Functional Compass
▪ Mock-Up Transfer and Silicone Preparation Matrices (Guides)
▪ Veneer Preparation: 12/11/21/22
▪ Veneer Cementation: 11
▪ Vertical Crown Preparation: 21
▪ Preparation: 36 Overlay
▪ Cementation: 36 Cementation of Onlay
▪ Vertical Preparation 36 Modification from Chamfer
▪ Fabrication of provisional on 36