Module I - 31/10-03/11/2019, Athens
The first 4-day session of the program was designed in such a way so that it can provide the trainees with all the information they need to master for their first contact with implantology.
More specifically, there is a revision of different implants used in the past before the final selection of the particular type of implants used today. There follows an extensive analysis of the phenomenon of osseointegration on a histological level so that the participants can comprehend its application in daily clinical practice. Then comes a radiological (CB and CBCT) illustration of all landmark maxillary and mandibular anatomical structures. Digital computerguided implantology is the domain of implantology that is bound to concern any clinical dentist in the future. Precisely for this reason the participants are given the opportunity to attend to theory and practice in the different methods available to identify the ideal three dimensional position of any implant.
After that the trainees are taught the basic principles to oral surgery and microsurgery, the necessary surgical tools, suturing techniques and types of sutures. All the above help the participants understand the techniques involved in the simple surgical implant placement, exposure and the very important issue of postextraction socket preservation through theory and hands-on practice. On the last day there is a systematic revision of the treatment plan for both the maxilla and the mandible and introduction into the basic principles and techniques for prosthetic implant restorations, from wax-up to impressions. From the very first seminar already, the training begins with the correct way of case presentation, in accordance with the international conference protocols.
At the end of the first 4-day course dentists are ready to handle simple implant cases in their private practices and proceed to the next, more advanced four-day module to further enhance their knowledge.
Dietmar Weng
Christos Aggelopoulos
Spyros Karatzas
Stratis Papazoglou

Module II - 06-09/02/2020, Athens
During this four-day session there will be a thorough analysis of the pharmacology and anaesthesiology specifically related to implant patients with or without a history of other diseases.
There will be a discussion of all the advanced techniques employed in implantology, such as sinus floor elevation with the use of bone grafts as well as ridge augmentation with a simultaneous presentation of possible complications for these procedures. There will be a presentation both of the ideal timing for the placement of implants in the aesthetic zone and of the biological principles and surgical techniques involved in the process in order to achieve an aesthetically acceptable outcome. This module comprises a lot of theory and practice in soft tissue surgery. Furthermore, all protocols for implant
loading will be laid out; two phase/ one phase protocol, immediate loading and the combination of autologous growth factors (PRF) in immediate loading protocols. There will be practical exercises so that dentists learn to directly make a provisional restoration after having been acquainted with all the principles governing the accomplishment of an ideal emergence profile.
The advantages and disadvantages of screw-retained and bonded prosthetic restorations and all techniques required for them will be analyzed. The delivery of an implant-based restoration comprises further stages like that of checking the fitting of the metal frame and the final screwing or adhesion of the restoration; the participants will be given the opportunity to train in them and also learn to manage the miscellany of prosthetic complications that may occur.
Clearly all of the above must be governed by the basic principles of maxillomandibular occlusion, so occlusion on implants will be an additional topic elaborated on at length.
George Goumenos
Stavros Pelekanos
Alexandros Manolakis
Ioannis Fakitsas
Spyros Karatzas
Konstantinos D. Valavanis

Module III - (TBA), Athens, AthenaSmile Pelekanos Dental Clinic & Divani Caravel
During the third module the participating dentists will have the opportunity to place implants in one of their own patients under the constant guidance of the trainers.
The participants will need to have selected their own patient by the beginning of the seminar already, so that they can start building the treatment plan for that particular patient through a process of continuous dialogue with the trainers in order to be ready to perform the surgical part of their patient treatment when they reach the stage of module four. The cases managed will comprise 2 implants in an edentulous area of the mandible or 1-2 implants in a non-aesthetic zone. The surgeries will be carried out at the clinic of Dr Pelekanos following scheduled appointments.
The participants from Northern Greece will have the opportunity to do the same with their patients at the clinic of Dr. Manolakis in Thessaloniki.
Spyros Karatzas
Dimitris Papadimitriou
Stratis Papazoglou
Stavros Pelekanos
Alexandros Manolakis

Module IV - (TBA), Athens
The last 4-day session is dedicated to the aesthetic zone, both on a surgical and a prosthetic level.
There will be a thorough elaboration on the immediate placement of a single implant with discussion on regenerative techniques for the reconstruction of the papilla in the aesthetic zone. The dentists will be presented the most advanced surgical techniques involving modern flap designs and demonstration of cases whose management requires the collaboration of more than one specialties. Then there will be a presentation of edentulous patients’ management. The telematics presentation of live surgical cases will also be part of their training. After the completion of this module the participants will have learnt all the basic aspects to implantology and will be in a position to integrate them in their clinical practice.
Egon Euwe
Stavros Pelekanos

Module V - (TBA), Athens, AthenaSmile Pelekanos Dental Clinic
During the particular course, depending on the progress of the patients and the initial treatment plan, there will be a prosthetic restoration on the implants placed in the patients by the participants themselves during Module 3. At this phase the different stages to implant exposure will be taught, together with those of impressions, provisional restorations and finally the bonding of the final restoration.
The participants themselves will pay for the dental technician’s work.
Stavros Pelekanos

gIDE session Los Angeles & Loma Linda Univercity September 21-25, 2020
During the final 5 days of the Master Clinician Program new Research and Clinical Advances in Implant Dentistry, Radiology, Periodontics, Pharmacology, Oral Surgery and Oral Biology will be presented by the Program Chairman. Throughout the week implant patients will be presented with advanced and new technology treatment plans in lecture and live surgery format. Final exam and selected case presentations by class students will conclude the 1-year Program with a gIDE Certificate Ceremony and cocktail reception.
Day 1:
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
Implant esthetic key points and complex case treatments
Live surgery #1: case study of implant esthetics
Implant orthognatic surgery and change of jaw relation
Day 2:
Dr. Jaime Lozada, Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and Dr. Egon Euwe
Bone grafting methods and options
Live surgery #2: case of implants and bone grafting
Soft tissue grafting, options and complications
Live surgery #3: case of implants and soft tissue grafting
Immediate tooth replacement
Day 3:
Faculty to be named
Prosthetic advances for the edentulous jaw
New solutions with All-on-4
Patient selection and preparation
Prosthetic and surgical complications
Day 4:
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
Periodontal plastic surgery around teeth and implants
Esthetic dental materials and new prosthetic implant solutions
GBR treatment options and results, and new research data
Day 5:
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic and Dr. Jaime Lozada
30 years of sinus lift results and new trends for the treatment of the posterior maxilla
Live surgery #4: case study of sinus lift procedure
Periimplantitis incidence, treatment and prevention
Select Case Presentations by Graduating Class Participants
Certificate Awards Ceremony
Dr. Sascha Jovanovic
Dr. Egon Euwe
Dr. Jaime Lozada
Dr. Joseph Kan
and others

Module VI - (TBA), Athens
Case Presentation
All participants will have the opportunity to present the cases they completed during the Annual Postgraduate Program in Clinical Implantology. The cases will be evaluated by the team of trainers and will be jointly discussed by the participants and the trainers who will speak on alternative treatment plans and approaches for the cases presented.
Spyros Karatzas
Alexandros Manolakis
Dimitris Papadimitriou
Stavros Pelekanos

Module VII - 06-10/11/2020, Munich - Germany
The last module of the training program will be completed in Munich, where the participants will follow the management of patients both at the university hospital and in private clinics, where they will be given the opportunity to see how big implantology centres abroad operate.
There they will be trained in the use of the CAD/CAM prosthetic technology, will be given the opportunity to closely examine the scanning equipment and come in contact with the materials used. Furthermore, they will receive theoretical and practical training in several surgical techniques. Their journey will come to an end with the award of their certificates, after fulfilling the necessary pre-requisites of the program. The first two days of the module will be accommodated at the facilities of the University of Munich, where there will be hands on seminars on implant placement with the use of different systems, construction of a hybrid abutment and/or a hybrid abutment/crown. On the third day the group will be taken to the Clinic/training centre of Dr. Otto Zuhr & Dr. Markus Hurzeler ( Zuhr/Hurzeler education center) where participants will take part in practical seminars on soft tissue management delivered by Dr. Otto Zur.
The module is completed with the ceremony of the participants’ certificate award.
Daniel Edelhoff
Markus Hurzeler
Otto Zuhr
Jan Frederik Guth
O. Schubert
E. Nold
C. Keul
M. Ramberger