Jan Frederik Guth
Jan-Frederik Güth (Dr. med. dent.) holds the position of Deputy Director of the Department of Prosthodontics of the Dental School of the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. Dr. Güth defended his “Habilitation” in 2014 and received the title “Privatdozent”. During 2013 he spent a research-stay (visiting professor) at the University of Southern California (USC; Pascal Magne). He is a member of the German Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK), the German Association of Prosthetics and Bio-Materials (DG-Pro) and the German Association of Implantology (DGI). His main field of attention and research is the digital impression technology and the connected workflow on teeth and implants, CAD/CAM-technology, and high-performance polymers. In this field, he is an internationally noted lecturer and published numerous scientific and clinical articles.