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Marco Degidi (ITALY)
Dr. Marco Degidi is an Adjunct Professor, Postgraduate Master in Clinic Implantology at the University of Bologna . He is an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration, and a Diplomate of the International College of Oral Implantology. Dr.Marco Degidi is the inventor of the WeldOne Concept as well as the Conometric Concept He has published 142 articles on Peer-reviewed Journals and received many awards; his H-INDEX is 31. He lectures worldwide in the fields of immediate loading, primary stability, biomaterials and aesthetic dentistry He runs a private practice in Bologna, restricted to implant surgery & prosthetics..

Eric Van Dooren (BELGIUM)
Eric Van Dooren, DDS Dr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. He is known as one of Europe’s best specialists that successfully combine periodontics, prosthodontics and dental implantology. His cases, articles and books have been issued in cooperation with other leading practitioners: Dr. Nitzan Bichacho, Dr. Rafi Romano, Dr. Christian Coachman, Dr. Bernard Touati, Dr. Galip Gürel, Dr. Mauro Fradeani by Quintessence Publishing. One of the books that is co-author to: The Art Of The Smile: Integrating Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Technology, And Plastic Surgery In Esthetic Dental Treatment. He is the owner of a dentistry private practice in Antwerp, Belgium. For several years now his office has incorporated a course center, training young talents and professionals in the field. As a professor, he is also collaborating in courses and lectures with universities in Belgium, France and occasionally SUA, Argentina and Brazil. In the prezent he is practicing in his private office in Belgium, and lecturing all over the world.

Roland Glauser (SWITZERLAND)
Dr. Roland Glauser graduated from University of Zürich and was from 1997 to 2006 assistant professor at the Department for Fixed Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, University of Zürich. Roland Glauser was president of the scientific board of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology SSOI and he is an active member of the Academy of Osseointegration AO and the European Association for Osseointegration EAO. He serves as a certified expert in Oral Implantology in the European Dental Association EDA and within the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation FOR. His research activities mainly focus on tissue integration of oral implants and shortened clinical protocols. Dr. Glauser has published more than 60 articles and textbook chapters on the subject of restorative dentistry and osseointegrated implants. He is reviewer for the Journal of Biomechanics, the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. Roland Glauser lectures extensively all over the world and received Academy Awards for his presentations from the Academy of Osseointegration AO and the Japan Academy of Gnathology and Occlusion. Dr. Glauser runs a private clinic in Zürich and holds an appointment as clinical associate professor at the College of Dental Medicine, Augusta University, Augusta (GA), USA.

Howard Gluckman (SOUTH AFRICA)
Dr Gluckman completed his dental training at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in 1990. After spending a number of years in general practice he completed a 4-year full time degree in Oral Medicine and Periodontics at the University of Stellenbosch in Cape Town, which he completed with distinction (cum Laude) in 1998. He was intimately involved in the development of the postgraduate diploma in Implantology at both the University of Stellenbosch and later at the University of Western Cape. He is currently in full time private practice in Cape Town. He is also the director of the Implant and Aesthetic Academy, which is a private post graduate training facility currently providing a complete postgraduate training program in Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry in South Africa. The Academy is accredited by The University of Stony Brook University, New York. Dr Gluckman has been involved in Implantology training for over 20 years. Dr Gluckman lectures extensively both nationally and internationally and is a member of the Dentsply / Friadent's Master Speakers Program. He is on the experts’ panel of the international educational website Dental XP and is on the Dental XP scientific board. He is a Diplomat of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI). He is the immediate past president of the South African Society for Dental Implantology and is on the board of the Southern African Association Osseointegration (SAAO). He has also served as the Secretary of the South African Society of Periodontics. His special interests are immediate placement/ immediate load as well as soft tissue aesthetics and periodontal plastic surgery, autogenous bone augmentation especially bone harvested from the palate and three-dimensional bone augmentation.

Jan Frederik Guth (GERMANY)
Jan-Frederik Güth (Dr. med. dent.) holds the position of Deputy Director of the Department of Prosthodontics of the Dental School of the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. Dr. Güth defended his “Habilitation” in 2014 and received the title “Privatdozent”. During 2013 he spent a research-stay (visiting professor) at the University of Southern California (USC; Pascal Magne). He is a member of the German Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK), the German Association of Prosthetics and Bio-Materials (DG-Pro) and the German Association of Implantology (DGI). His main field of attention and research is the digital impression technology and the connected workflow on teeth and implants, CAD/CAM-technology, and high-performance polymers. In this field, he is an internationally noted lecturer and published numerous scientific and clinical articles.

Alexis Ioannidis (SWITZERLAND)
Alexis Ioannidis is a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He graduated in 2009 at the University of Zurich, Switzerland and received the "doctor medicinae dentium” (Dr. med. dent.) 2013 at the same University. After 1-year of post-graduate training at the Clinic of Masticatory Disorders at the University of Zurich, he worked for a 3-year period as an associate in different private practices in Zurich. Thereafter, he completed a 3-year post-graduate training in Reconstructive Dentistry at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the University of Zurich in 2016. During this time, he was trained in prosthodontics and in implant dentistry. 2016 he received a stipend founded by the Clinical Research Foundation to spend 6 months as a research fellow at the Department of Biomaterials at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Since 2017 he serves as a full-time Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science at the University of Zurich. His clinical focus is on the comprehensive treatment of complex, fully dentated or partially edentulous patients applying all available options of reconstructive dentistry including dental implants. He is a specialist for reconstructive dentistry (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry), has a Master of Advanced Studies in Periodontology (University of Zurich) and a WBA in Oral Implantology (Swiss Society of Oral Implantology). His main scientific interest is related to minimally invasive treatment concepts in the field of reconstructive dentistry. He has published numerous scientific and clinical articles.

Alexandros Manolakis (GREECE)
Dr. Alexandros Manolakis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. Aſter graduating from the University of Freiburg in Germany in 2002, he received his Dr. Med. Dent. degree from the University of Göttingen in Germany in 2003. He was a visiting associate professor in the department of Periodontology in the University of Freiburg until 2004. Aſter attending military service in Greece as a dentist, he maintains since 2006 a private practice specialising dental implants and aesthetic dentistry together with his brother, Kleanthis Manolakis, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Dr. Alexandros Manolakis is coauthor of a German Periodontology Textbook (Praxis der Zahnheilkunde, Parodontologie, 4th Ed; Elsevier, 2005) and author of various international publications. He has been lecturing in scientific congresses in over 15 countries. He is giving hands-on courses with live-surgeries in implantology, soſt-tissuemanagement and digital implantology. Areas of special interest include Computer-Guided Implant Placement, Immediate Loading of Implants placed in the Edentulous Jaw, Applications of chairside CAD/CAM, 3D-Printing in Implantology and Periodontal Micro-Surgery. He is an member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED affiliate), the Computer Aided Implantology (CAI) Academy and the Greek Prosthodontic Society (ΕΛΛΠΕ). He is an honorary member of the Academy of Oral Implantology (AOI) India. Dr. Alexandros Manolakis is editor-in-chief of the greek journal Dentorama.

Pablo Galindo Moreno (SPAIN)
Pablo Galindo-Moreno, DDS, PhD Full Professor , Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Department. University of Granada, Spain. Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor, Periodontics and Oral Medicine Department. University of Michigan, USA Associate Visiting Professor, Department of Periodontics, University of Iowa, USA MS in Oral Surgery European Fellowship in Oral Surgery ICOI Diplomate More than 150 JCR papers published. International speaker in Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry.

Eric Rompen (BELGIUM)
Dr. Rompen received his degree in Dental Science in 1986, and his post-graduate degree in Oral Rehabilitation in 1989. Dr. Rompen is a professor and head of the Department of Periodontology/Dental Surgery at the University of Liège in Belgium. He is also responsible for the post-graduate program in Periodontology as well as the post-graduate program in implantology. He completed his Doctorate in Dental Medicine in 1991. His teaching responsibilities at the University of Liège include periodontology, dental surgery and implant surgery. His research interests include epidemiology and systemic impact of periodontal diseases, surgical management of tissue deficiencies, mechanisms of bone regeneration and soft and hard tissue integration of dental implants, as well as the development of biomaterials for tissue augmentation. He served as the president of the Belgian Society of Periodontology from 2001–2004.

Salvatore Scolavino (ITALY)
Graduated cum laude Private practice in Nola (Naples) Active Member AIC (Italian Academy of Restorative Dentistry) Active Member IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry) Active Member SIDOC (Italian Society od Restorative Dentistry) WeRestoreit Founder (www.werestore.it) Author of “Direct Posteriors” edited by Quintessence Publishing Author and coauthor scientific publications on national and international journals Lecturer in national and international congresses and courses

Mario Semenza (ITALY)
Dr. Mario Semenza, graduated with honors in Dentistry at the University of Pavia in 1984. Speaker in numerous national and international conferences, he operates as a freelancer at his private studio in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano and, since 2001, he is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Chieti.

Michael Stimmelmayr (GERMANY)
1985-1990: Dental school with examination in Regensburg, Bavaria Januar1991-Juni1991: Resident in private office, Cham Juli1991-März1994: Resident at the Department of Prosthodontic at the University of Munich; Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Gernet April1994-September1997: Resident at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Prof. Dr. Dr. G.W. Paulus, Munich Juni1997: Specialist for oral surgery Oktober1997-Juli1998: Senior physician at the Department of Prosthodontic at the University of Munich; Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Gernet August1998-Dezember1998: Resident at Penninsula Periodontal Associates in San Mateo, Californien; Bob Lamb D.D.S, M.S.D. Januar1999-Juli2000: Private office with Dr. Ulrich Zimmermann in Regensburg, Bavaria. since Oktober 2000: Private office for oral surgery in Cham, Bavaria 2001: Specialist for Implantology (BdiZ) 2002: Specialist for Periodontology (EDA) since 2005: accredited speaker for DGI and APW since 2010: Co-worker at the Department of Prosthodontic at the University of Munich; Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Gernet, Prof. Dr. Daniel Edelhoff 2013: Habilitation and receipt venia legend at the University of Munich 2016: external senior physician at the Department of Prosthodontic at the University of Munich; Prof. Dr. Daniel Edelhoff 2017: receipt extraordinary Professor at LMU Munich Prof. Dr. Michael Stimmelmayr

RESTORATIVE and IMPLANT DENTIST IN LONDON. Queen’s University graduate of 2009 and further post graduate training at the royal college of surgeons England in implants and restorative dentistry. Thomas’s main area of interest is recreating nature through direct and indirect restorations. his work has won numerous National and International awards but focuses on teaching the perfection of fundamental skills in a simple yet comprehensive way via his own independent private courses in the heart of London.

Roberto Turrini (ITALY)
Dr. Roberto Turrini graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s office in Pesaro, Italy. He has attended several courses in Italy and abroad on prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry and he has followed Dr.Fradeani’s annual program on fixed prosthodontics. Author of several scientific articles published in Italian and international magazines, he is co-author with Dr. Enrico Cogo and Dr. Pietro Sibilla of a text about dental bleaching, published by Quintessence International in 2011 ( “Dental bleaching: methods for success” ), translated in German and Spanish and presently in translation into other languages. He lectures nationally and internationally on topics related prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry. He works in Pesaro and he focuses his professional activity on restorative, endodontics and prosthodontics with particular interest in esthetic dentistry.

Peter JM Fairbairn (SOUTH AFRICA)
Peter JM Fairbairn is a Visiting Professor at the Detroit Mercy, School of Dentistry in Michigan, USA and Principal Dental Surgeon at the Scarsdale Dental Implant Clinic in Kensington West London. He is a past Director and Honorary Life Member of the Association of Dental Implantology (UK) as well as Past President of the London Dental Fellowship. Peter began placing Dental Implants in 1991 and since 2002 has solely used synthetic or alloplastic materials in his grafting procedures. He has numerous published papers on the topic (available on Pubmed) and written countless journal articles as well as chapters in 2 published books. He has spoken in over 40 countries globally on the benefits of the materials and protocols.

Alberto Rebaudi (ITALY)
He studied Medicine and Dentistry performed at the University of Genoa, Italy. Private Practice in Genoa, Italy since 15 years. Visiting Professor, University of Genoa, Italy. Professor and Tutor in the post graduate programs in Dental Implantology and Periodontology in the Universities of Chieti and Genoa, Italy. Since 15 years actively works in research protocol in oral surgery, implant surgery and prosthesis, immediate load of implants, orthodontic implants. Dr. Alberto Rebaudi is also a consultant for several Companies in the implant field and Universities. He published more than 90 publications in Europe and U.S.A. He is an active member of the following associations: Bio.C.R.A. (Biomaterials Clinical-Histological Research Association), CAI-Academy (Computer Aided Implantology Academy), EAO (European Academy of Osseointegration) e AO (American Academy of Osseointegration). ICOI (International Congress Organization of Implantologists)

Alain Simonpieri (France)
Doctor of dental surgery (DDS). Professor Oral surgery department, University Federico II Naples (ITALY). Post Graduate: Surgical and prosthetic implantology, Oral surgery and implantology NYU (USA), Aesthetic in fixed Prosthesis NYU (USA), Periodontology PARIS VII. President elect SENAME international. Private practice in periodontology and implantology in BEAUSOLEIL and MARSEILLE (France). Founder of Aesthetic Implantology Institute (MARSEILLE)

Henry Ho (Singapore)
Dr. Henry Ho graduated from NUS in 1996. He received his postgraduate degree in 2002 and a member of the Royal college of surgeon (Edinburgh). He specialises in prosthodontics and implant dentistry. As a visiting specialist at the National university hospital and adjunct lecturer at the NUS, he is deeply involved in education. He’s a board member of the dental implant postgraduate program and also a regional trainer for University of Frankfurt. He gives lectures internationally.

Gilberto Sammartino (Italy)
Head of the Unit of Oral Surgery and Implantology University of Naples “Federico II”. Full Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Past Chief of the School of Oral Surgery, University of Naples “Federico II”. National Coordinator of all Italian Schools of Oral Surgery. Past President of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery (S.I.d.C.O.). President of the S.E.N.A.M.E implantology Association. President of the I.C.O.I Italy Association. Past President of ANTHEC – Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-components. President of intHEMA – International Non Transfusional Hemocomponents Academy. Past Co-Chairman of the I.C.O.I Europe Association. Author of more than 280 articles published on national and international journals. Lecturer in national and international courses and conferences. Co-Editor of Poseido Journal. Guest editor of Case Report in Dentistry. Lead Guest Editor of Special issues of Journal of Biomedical Research 2015. Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal of Biomedical Research 2016. Member of the Editorial Board of different International Journals. Referee of many International Scientific Journals.

Dimitris Chatziemmanouil (Greece)
He graduated from the School of Dentistry of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and the Military School of Combat Support Officers in 2003 and sworn in as Second Lieutenant of the Medical Service Corps. During his studies, he received scholarships and awards of the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY). In 2004 he was trained in the Maxillosurgery clinic of 401 Military Hospital of Athens in the field of oral surgery. Since 2005, he has a private practice in the town of Mytilene, performing general dentistry with emphasis on microscopic dentistry, implantology, in specific computer guided implant surgery. In 2015 he retired from the army and has been a private practitioner since then. He constantly attends further training on aesthetic dentistry and implantology at conferences and seminars both in Greece and abroad. He has published papers in Greek and foreign periodicals and he is member of the editorial board of dental publications for the oral surgery sector.

Ahmed Osman (Egypt)
Dr. Ahmed Osman completed his undergraduate studies at the dental school of Cairo University Egypt in 1996. Following graduation, Starting in1998, Dr. Osman completed a two- years Prosthodontic Residency program in the department of Maxillofacial Prosthetic University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. Dr. Osman is currently a professor in University of Naples federico II, Naples, Italy, and he is the Deputy-President of the Journal of Osteology and Biomaterial, Pescara, Italy. Dr. Osman has extensively lectured on dental implant prosthodontics in Europe, Far East, and the Middle East. He is certified laser trainer for the Middle East for the well-known dental company Sirona. He is also the founder and Managing Director of the Videnti Cairo Institute. Since 2005, he has been teaching implant treatment planning and advanced implant prosthodontics courses to more than 600 alumni from twelve countries. Dr. Osman maintains a private practice, which is limited exclusively to Prosthodontics and implants in Cairo, Egypt.

Jaafar Mouhyi (MOROCCO)
Dr. Jaafar Mouhyi obtained his high school Diploma in 1983 at Abou Al Abbas Sebti College in Marrakesh, Morocco, he moved to Belgium in 1984, join Free University of Brussels (ULB) Dental school. In 1990, he obtained his DDS and then worked as an assistant clinical professor in general dentistry and involved in postgraduate Residency programs as the following: - Master in Biomedical engineering (Laser-therapy), Flemish Free University of Brussels (VUB) 1992 - Clinical training Diploma: Oral Implantology, Brånemark clinic, Göteborg University 1993 - Post-graduate Periodontology (ULB) 1993 - Post- graduate Laser-therapy (ULB), 1995 In 1995, he started a PhD thesis in an International Research collaboration program, Free University of Brussels and Sahlgrenska Academy at Goteborg University. Thesis Director: Pr. Lars Sennerby and Pr. Jack Walter Van Reck, defended in 1999. 1994-2000 Head of the department of Oral rehabilitation & Implantology, St Pierre University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium. President of the Moroccan Society of Periodontology & Implantology (SMPI) 2004-2005 Representative of the Moroccan Society of Periodontology at the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) 2002-2005. 1995-2013 Researcher, Department of Biomaterials & Handicap Research, Institute of Clinical Sciences, the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Goteborg, Sweden. 2004-2012 Assist. Clin. Prof. Diagnosis sciences University of southern California, LA, USA Since 2006, Founder & Director, Casablanca Oral Rehabilitation Training & Education Center, Casablanca, Morocco. Since 2012 President, Union of Moroccan dental societies (UASOM). International Board Member of SENAME (South Europ, North African Middle East. Implantology and Modern dentistry Association). Editorial Board member, Reviewer, Clinical Implant Dentistry & Related Research Journal. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the African Dental Journal. Dr Mouhyi has several local and international lectures and publications in the field of Biomaterials, Platelets concentrate technologies and Oral implantology.

Mariuz Duda (POLAND)
Mariusz Duda, PhD, DDS, , DICOI, visiting professor SSU Oral implantology expert, co-founder and present President of PSI – Polish Society of Oral Implantology, Vice-President of ICOI, ICOI Europe Board Member. Representative of Advanced Credentials Commission ICOI – examination committee for international dental implantology approvals. Coordinator and Chairman of Curriculum Implantology PSI educational course. Editor in chief of “Implant Dentistry” - PSI and ICOI affiliated journal. Owner of Duda Clinic Imlpants & Esthetic Dentistry Clinic and Duda Clinic Plastic Surgery Clinic, Duda Clinic College of Dental Medicine.

Eitan Mijirisky (ISRAEL)
Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky is a graduate of the Tel-aviv University School (1990) of Dental Medicine where he also completed his Postgraduate studies and Specialty with Diploma in Prosthodontics (1996). Prof. Mijiritsky is Associate Professor at the Tel-aviv University School of Dental Medicine, Israel. Prof. Mijiritsky is Board Member and Immediate Past President of the Israel Society of Prosthodontics. European Prosthodontic Association- Recognized Specialist in Prosthodontics Prosthodontic Consultor – Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sourasky TelAviv Medical Center, Israel Visiting Professor at the Master Course of Digital Dentistry at the Universities of Varese and Pisa in Italy and at the Universities of Murcia and Granada in Spain. Associate Professor at the University of Titu Maioresco, Bucarest, Romania. Board Member of the International Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) DDS Ambassador for Israel Board Member of the SENAME Co-Founder of the Israeli Association of Oral Implantology IAOI (ICOI-affiliated). DIPLOMATE of the International College of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Member of the Editorial Boards of : "International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research" , “Case reports in Dentistry” and "Journal of Oral Science and Rehabilitation" and Permanent Associate Editor at "BMC Oral Health". Prof. Mijiritsky is both a nationally and internationally active keynote lecturer and scientific chairman in numerous seminars and meetings. He is the author of over 70articles in peer reviewed international journals, related to implant and digital dentistry, bone regeneration, esthetics and prosthodontics. Heading the "Mijiritsky Dental Experts Center" in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Ioannis Fourmouzis (GREECE)
Assistant Professor of Periodontology University of Athens, Greece 1987 Graduation, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece. 1990-93 Postgraduate program in “Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics” University of Bern, Switzerland. 1993 “Dr.med dent” Title from the University of Bern, Switzerland 1994-96 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Bern, Switzerland 1994-2001 Clinical Instructor, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 2001-2006 Lecturer of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 2006-today Assistant Professor of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 1994-today Private practice, in Athens Greece 1990-today Publishing more than 80 scientific articles 27 of which in international peer reviewed journals. Lecturing in national and international meetings.

Charis Beltes (GREECE)
Graduated in 2003 from the School of Dentistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. From 2003 to 2006 he completed postgraduate studies at the department of Endodontics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. and from, 2006 - 2008, he specialized in Dentoalveolar Surgery and Surgical Implantology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2016 he was awarded a Ph.D. diploma and from 2017 he is a scholarship consultant at the Postgraduate Program in the department of Endodontics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Until today, he has published 20 scientific papers and has presented 20 lectures as a speaker and 50 presentations in Greek and international conferences. He participates as a trainer in practical seminars and is a reviewer in international journals. He maintains a private practice in Thessaloniki limited in Endodontics and Oral Surgery, specialised in Endodontic Microsurgery.Abstract
Endodontic Microsurgery. Predicting the unpredictable.
The scope of Endodontic Microsurgery is to achieve the three dimensional cleaning, shaping and obturation of the apical portion of the root canal system, which is not treatable via an access cavity, but only accessible via a surgical flap. In those cases, which have the indication for surgery, it is currently possible to have a notably increased percentage of success, compared with what could be attained up until a few years ago, and this is thanks to technological progress, that has happened in the field of Surgical Endodontics. The use of CBCT preoperatively, the application of microsurgical techniques and the use of bioceramics as root-end filling materials are well established, providing overall advantages, predictability and accuracy. With the use of state-of-the-art instruments, new and improved materials and an operating microscope, the gap has narrowed between biological concepts and the ability to achieve consistently successful clinical results. The present lecture describes these current indications, techniques and outcome, emphasizing on specific details case by case.

David Mahles (FRANCE)
Dr. David Mailhes studied at the University of Dental Surgery in Toulouse, France, where he obtained his degree as a Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2002. He furthered his education through numerous private and university courses in both implantology and bone surgery. He holds several postgraduate degrees in Occlusodontics and Prosthetics (Toulouse, France), in Legal Odontology and Expertise (Toulouse, France) and an Inter-University Diploma in Maxillary Rehabilitation - Implantology and Bone Surgery (Toulouse, France / Geneva, Switzerland / Madrid, Spain). Dr. David Mailhes has been using Global D implants since 2007, and particularly the InKone system since its commercial launch in 2009. Early on, he developed an interest in reproducing surgical results and improving patents’ experience during implant surgery treatments. With this goals in mind, he developed the implant subcortical positioning protocol as well as an original concept for using allogeneic bone grafts. He is actually working on the digital solutions in implants treatments. He is an international lecturer since 2013 (GENI, Global D Tour in France and Jordan), he leads workshops and study groups and also receive dentists in his own practice as a coach. He is the author of several articles about implants subcortical positioning and about the original protocol he uses with allogeneic grafts in bone surgery. Dr. David Mailhes has established his private practice in Toulouse, France, for more than 15 years. He works specifically in implantology, bone graftings and full mouth prosthetic rehabilitations.Abstract
I can get Satisfaction !
The In-Kone® implant is 10-year-old. This device, innovative for good, enables mature doctor to have a particularly performing tool to manage his implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. It leads to the best possible results to satisfy the patient in both aesthetic and functional ways. However, the optimal use of an implant device can only be carried out thanks to a deep and total understanding of the part each prosthetic or surgical element plays. At last, it is our duty of implantologist to always keep in mind that we work with living tissues, and that we must respect biology if we want to succeed. Tissue optimization can then become our implant philosophy that drives our daily routine.

Mounir Omami (TUNISIA)
Assistant professor of oral surgery at university dental clinic of Monastir, Tunisia since March 2019 - Dentist specialist in oral surgery and Implantology since 2018 - Former resident of oral surgery - International Professional Diploma in Advanced Oral Implantology, university of Naples Federico II Naples since 2015 - Member of the research laboratory LR12ES11 since 2014Abstract
A retrospective study on mandibular metastases
In this study, we investigated the epidemiology, the clinical and radiological signs of secondary mandibular cancers, as well as their etiopathogeneses and the different modalities of their management. It is an 18-year retrospective study on a series of nine patients treated at the department of stomatology and maxillo facial surgery of Sahloul university hospital in Sousse. It was noted that the mandibular metastases are very rare, they are common in patients over 50 years, with a predominance among men, male / female ratio = 2. The origin of mandibular metastasis was mainly pulmonary and genital. Mandibular metastases are manifested by a mandibular and gingival swelling, lip and chin hypoesthesia, tooth mobility and trismus. Radiologically, the image of mandibular metastases is either central osteolysis or alveolysis. Adenocarcinomas are the most common pathological form in our series (22.22%). The treatment of mandibular metastases is based on surgery if the prognosis is favorable, and on chemotherapy and radiotherapy as a palliative if the prognosis is unfavorable. There is a drug combination depending on the severity and nature of cancer prognosis as in the case of breast cancer which indicates an association between hormone therapy and chemotherapy. Generally, the prognosis of mandibular metastases is serious with an average duration of one year.

Faten Ben Amor (Tunisia)
Sename elected president 2019/2021 and representative of Tunisia - Head of the Anatomy Laboratory at the faculty of Dental Medicine - University hospital professor in dentistry (Anatomy and Implantology) - Vice-President of the university of Monastir in charge of Scientific Research,Technological - Development and Partnership with the external environment - Head of Dental Medicine university clinic Outpatient department - In charge of the Implantology courses in Cochin Port Royal University Paris V France - Member of French academy of dentistry - Head of research laboratory of oral health and rehabilitation - Editor in chef of Tunisian Dental news journal.Assistant Professor in Anatomy at University Clinic of Monastir TUNISIA - Clinical activity in Outpatient and implantology department - Dentist specialist in Anatomy - Former resident of Anatomy - International professional diploma in Advanced Oral Implantology, University of Frederico II Naples - Member of the research Laboratory LR12ES11 - Former treasurer of ATORECD Juniors - SENAME board Member.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy at University Clinic of Monastir TUNISIA - Clinical activity in Outpatient and implantology department - Dentist specialist in Anatomy - Former resident of Anatomy - International professional diploma in Advanced Oral Implantology, University of Frederico II Naples - Member of the research Laboratory LR12ES11 - Honor President of ATORECD Juniors - SENAME board Member.

Mootaz Mlouka (Tunisia)
Resident in Anatomy and Oral surgery at the university dental clinic of Monastir, Tunisia since January 2018. National Diploma in dental medicine in July 2019. President of ATORECD Junior (2019). Member of the research laboratory LR12ES11 since 2018. Clinical activity in outdoor and implantology department.Abstract
The retro molar canal : a biometric study on 100 CBCTs
Authors; Mootaz Mlouka, Faten Khanfir Mohamed Tlili, Ines Zaguia, Arij Rmida, Ali Hamrouni, , Mohamed Salah Khalfi, Faten Ben Amor Introduction : The retro molar canal is an inconstant anatomical variation of the mandibular canal that opens up in retro molar trigone. This study aims to investigate the incidence, morphology, size, course and the different variations of the RMC using 100 CBCTs. Materials and methods : Sagittal, cross-sectional and axial images from 100 digital CBCTs were analyzed using Galileos Viewer 1.9 Software. RMCs were classified into three groups according to their form. The height, the diameter, the width and the opening site of each CRM were measured. Results : The incidence of the RMC was 18%. 42% had a vertical course (type A), 17% had a curved course (type B) and 36% had a horizontal course (type C). a few atypical forms were also reported. The mean height was 15.38 mm ± 3.2, the mean diameter was 1.37 mm ±0.06. In most cases, the RMC opens up through one foramen distanced from the distal aspect of the second molar by 16.09 mm ±2.81. Conclusion : The incidence of the RMC emphasizes the importance of the radiological exam, in order to avoid a number of complications linked to this anatomical variation.

Alessandra Minielo (Italy)
Soft tissue healing in patients undergoing antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy in oral surgery: a controlled clinical study
Aim: To compare the post-extraction socket healing in patients undergoing anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy respect to healthy patients. Methods: Consecutive patients undergoing anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy who underwent extractions of single-root teeth were enrolled in this controlled study. Photographs of the socket were obtained before and immediately after surgery and after 3-7-14 and 28 days of healing. The images were provided to a dentist not included in the study, who was asked to evaluate the healing by using the Landry score. A comparison between the groups was performed using the paired t-test. A P-value < 0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Results: On the third and seventh day the antiplatelet group showed a slightly higher level of healing compared to the other two groups (P<0.05). Conclusions: The highest average in the group of the patients that were treated with antiplatelet indicates that therapy with this kind of drugs could affect positively the healing processes, after dental extractions.

Grazia Lenenti (Italy)
The application of Thermography in Dentistry. Validation of a new Imaging technique for the evaluation of Dental Anxiety: experimental clinical study.
AIM: To determine if Dental Anxiety could be measured objectively using Thermal Infrared Imaging, a pioneering, alternative, non invasive and contactless method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two thermal measurements of the face of patients were acquired before and during the patient examination by using ServersCheck thermal cameras and five ROI (Region of Interest) of the face were considered. The difference of temperature assessed between the ROI of two measurements were correlated to the score of MDAS (Modified dental anxiety scale) questionnaire using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient referred to a P-value < 0.05. RESULTS: The Index of Pearson of 0.78 identified a statistically linear significant correlation between the thermal imaging measurements and the scores of MDAS questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: Thermal Imaging can be considered as a reliable and valid instrument to measure Dental Anxiety. In the future it could be proposed as a new method of diagnosis and management of Dental Anxiety.Program
The smart casual dentistry Σymposium III
Friday 20/9/2019
Upcoming Faces Competition Podium
Coffee tasting
Opening Ceremony
Athanasios Devliotis, President of Greek Dental Association
Faten Ben Amor, Gilberto Sammartino, Konstantinos D. Valavanis
Eric Rompen
Moderators: Konstantinos D. Valavanis, Arzu Demircioglu
Key parameters for stable peri-implant tissues
Michael Stimmelmayr
Moderator: Erda Qorri
The Importance of adequate Soft Tissue Management around Teeth and Implants
Lunch break
Roland Glauser
Moderator: Fatme Hamansi
All @once & Once for all: Implant placement and immediate (same day)final restoration with zirconia crown
Pablo Galindo Moreno
Moderator: Miguel Padial Molina
Marginal bone loss as key factor in the development of periimplantitis
Coffee Break
Alexis Ioannidis
Moderators: Nikos Mallios, George Zorogiannidis
Indirect restorative treatment concepts for the worn dentition
Roberto Turrini
Moderators: Maria Gatou - Andreas Fotopoulos
DISCOLORED TEETH: The combination of Bleaching and Prostho
Wine Tasting
The smart casual dentistry Σymposium III
Saturday 21/9/2019
Upcoming Faces Competition Podium
Coffee tasting
Alberto Rebauti
Moderator: Pietro Felice
Minimally invasive solutions for the implant treatment of bone atrophy
Peter JM Fairbairn
Moderator: Anastasios Mamalis
True Bone Regeneration, working with host healing using Bio-active synthetic graft materials
Lunch break
Marco Degidi
Moderator: Spyros Silvestros
THE CONOMETRIC CONCEPT: THE ACURIS WAY A novel retention concept in fixed prosthodontics
Coffee tasting
Mario Semenza
Moderators: Villy Kipraiou, Michalis Papastamos
Management of the treatment plan in fixed prosthodontics: clinical and laboratory approach: like walking on the path of science with the shoes of the clinic
Cocktail Party
The smart casual dentistry Σymposium III
Sunday 22/9/2019
Ioannis Fourmouzis
Guided Biofilm Therapy
Modern Approach in Periodontitis and Peri-implantitis treatment
Dimitris Chatziemmanouil
"The GOAL project"
Digital workflow for inhouse guided implantology. Scan, Plan, Print your cases utilizing open softwares
Moderators: Konstantinos D. Valavanis, Marwan Qasem
Alain Simonpieri, Sename Past President
"Τhe art and science of full arch immediate loading"
Ahmed Osman, Sename General Secretary
Implant connection influence in long term success
Arzu Demircioglu
Anatomical, surgical and restorative considerations for aesthetic implant dentistry
Jaafar Mouhyi
Digital guided implant dentistry
Mariusz Duda
Do we already need to work with the fully digital workflow in the implant dentistry in every case?
Ioannis Vergoulis
Cervical Profile Management of the Peri-implant tissues: A novel concept
Eitan Mijirisky
Digital Dentstry “To Invest or not to invest”
Henry Ho
Fate of the extracted tooth- Innovation for the present day problems in
implant dentistry
Gilberto Sammartino
Closing Ceremony

Eric Rompen (BELGIUM)
Key parameters for stable peri-implant tissues
How to obtain and preserve a highly esthetic outcome ? How to avoid bone losses and the opening of pockets in the posterior area ? Long-term clinical success with implants depends on a series of factors that range from implant design to bone volume, through muco-gingival surgery, prosthetic methods, or biocompatibility of materials. This lecture will aim at classifying those factors, at detailing surgical techniques for bone / soft tissue augmentation and management at implants, and at proposing simple practical solutions for the obtention of an effective and stable muco-integration: indeed, an effective adhesion of the soft tissues is mandatory to seal the body envelope, avoiding bacterial penetration and bone losses. To obtainmuco-integration, the exclusive use of biocompatible and clean materials at the trans-mucosal level is required. To preserveit, the mechanical stability of the soft tissues has to be promoted through bone augmentation, muco-gingival surgery and proper design of the trans-mucosal components, and care should be taken to choose non-traumatic prosthetic procedures.
Michael Stimmelmayr (GERMANY)
The Importance of adequate Soft Tissue Management around Teeth and Implants
Today, plastic periodontal surgery is an essential part of modern dentistry. Besides esthetic interventions as corrections of gingival recessions, creation of harmonic gingiva lines, reducing of discolorations of the gingiva or pontic site development, the focus on functional reasons for periodontal surgery is increasing too. Enhancement and thickening of the keratinized mucosa, creation of attached gingiva or surgical crown lengthening by violation of the biological width are very important for healthy soft tissues and long term results around teeth. Also in implantology the significance of stable and thick soft tissues increases over the last years. Thickening of the periimplant mucosa and increasing of the keratinized mucosa reduce the periimplant bone loss and stimulates periimplant health. Implant supported reconstruction in the esthetic zone request not only for hard tissue augmentation, but also for additional soft tissue augmentation to thicken the gingiva for creation of nice emergence profiles or pontic areas between implants. The lecture focusses on the correct treatment planning, exact timing and surgical techniques of soft tissue management in periodontology and implantology. The current literature will be discussed and clinical cases will be shown.
Roland Glauser (SWITZERLAND)
All @once & Once for all: Implant placement and immediate (same day)final restoration with zirconia crown
Just returned from Taiwan sharing during a one day keynote seminar latest technology with my friends from Formosa Academy of Implant Dentistry FAID. Topic: implant placement and immediate (same day) final restoration with zirconia crown. Just enjoy ! #ALL@ONCE, #IDS, #dentalimplants, #TiUltra, #Xeal Day 1 - diagnostics, treatment planning, and data transfer to lab "A successful outcome is never an accident". It's the combination of appropriate diagnostics, adequate planning efforts - using latest knowledge and technology - and sincere efforts from entire treatment team. Big thanks to all involved! Day 2 - dental lab designing and milling procedure Day 3 - implant surgery in the morning and placement of final restoration in the afternoon
Pablo Galindo Moreno (SPAIN)
Marginal bone loss as key factor in the development of periimplantitis
Periimplantitis is a daily clinical situation that is emerging in our practices. Thousands of implants are placed every years and periimplantitis could constitute a real epidemic entity, quite difficult to treat, and without reliable therapeutic options to solve this problem. Prevention is the best available tool in our hands, so understanding of the etiopathogenic features of this disease becomes essential in modern Dentistry. Many factors can influence the development of peri-implantitis from surgical aspects, to biological factors, without forgetting the role of the selected material or the prosthetic rehabilitation. This presentation will discuss some of the most important factors that influence the early marginal bone loss around the neck of the implants, and how to avoid the establishment and progression of this important entity.
Alexis Ioannidis (SWITZERLAND)
Indirect restorative treatment concepts for the worn dentition
Tooth wear is becoming an increasing problem in industrialized countries - especially in young patients. In order to compensate the loss of tooth substance caused by attrition or erosion, indirect restorative treatments can be indicated. Traditional concepts require an extensive preparation of the already hampered dentition and lead to biological complications. Therefore, the preparation design for prosthetic rehabilitation should be as conservative as possible. Choosing the right preparation technique and the appropriate restorative material is the key to success for these cases.
Roberto Turrini (ITALY)
DISCOLORED TEETH: The combination of Bleaching and Prostho
Nowadays the clinician is faced with the difficult challenge of covering discoloration sometimes quite severe. Currently we can use extremely predictable techniques of dental bleaching, allowing sometimes to avoid the covering discolored elements, achieving excellent results in terms of aesthetics and durability. The choice of extremely versatile products, together with the use of appropriate techniques, facilitates the clinician in cases of discoloration of medium severity. In contrast, in more complex situations, which require changes in shape, color and position, it is possible to use high-performance ceramic materials, in order to perform high aesthetic rehabilitations, however using minimally invasive procedures. The choice of the ideal ceramic ingot and on how to communicate to the lab the real abutment color are the new challenges: the color matching, with innovative systems, is very crucial not only for the ingot choice but also in terms of cementation, especially in case of thin restorations.
Quadrant quandries & restorative rationales
Description and Aims: - to discuss modern approaches in anterior and posterior segments via indirect and direct restorations. - clinical everyday tips in isolation, matrixing and material selection. - advanced anatomical layering anteriorly and posteriorly in a cost and time effective way.
Mario Semenza (ITALY)
Management of the treatment plan in fixed prosthodontics: clinical and laboratory approach: like walking on the path of science with the shoes of the clinic
The success of a prosthetic treatment depends, on the one hand, by a careful assessment of therapeutic options and, on the other hand, by a strict implementation of the clinical and laboratory findings. The diagnosis, the assessment of the indications, the preparation of teeth and the accurate detection of dental impressions are decisive phases for the proper conduct of the phases of the laboratory.
Marco Degidi (ITALY)
THE CONOMETRIC CONCEPT: THE ACURIS WAY A novel retention concept in fixed prosthodontics
Until now, two means have traditionally been used for retaining prostheses: screws or cement. We all know the pluses and minuses of each method. Now imagine a third method that has the advantages of both traditional methods with none of the disadvantages: for example, restorations with occlusal tables that don’t have holes but which are easy to remove. This is the Conometric Concept the Acuris way: permanent prostheses retained only by friction, not removable by the patient, but, when required, easily removable be the dentist. While for some time there have been the components for executing bridges and full arches, only recently has a new sophisticated abutment entirely dedicated to single elements been introduced onto the market; it too is called Acuris. These abutments are available for all the Dentsply implant systems (Ankylos, Astra and Xive). Drawing from his great experience, Dr Degidi (who is the inventor of Conometric Concept) will present in detail all aspects of this revolutionary technique.
Howard Gluckman (SOUTH AFRICA)
P.E.T. Partial Extraction therapies
The loss of teeth will lead to resorption of the buccal plate with its resultant need for extensive augmentative procedures (both bone and soft tissue) as well as the risk of poor long term aesthetic stability. Partial Extraction Therapies (PET) are techniques that allow us to maintain the buccal bone plate and hence prevent the collapse of the alveolar bone creating a platform for ideal soft tissue and bone which is stable in the long term. This is a greater problem in the aesthetic areas. This lecture will take you through the different options with regards to immediate implant placement as well as the most cutting edge PET in a step by step fashion.
Alexandros Manolakis (GREECE)

Jan Frederik Guth (GERMANY)
Sense and non-sense in digital implantology – science and clinical application
The digital work9low goes far beyond intraoral scanning and CAD/CAM of dental restorations. Especially in the 9ield of implantology, digital planning and full digital processes provide safety and predictability in dental treatment, however still have limiting factors. The fast development in technology, materials and work9low possibilities makes it dif9icult for dentists and technicians to keep an overview The team of Prof. Dr. J-F. Güth and Dr. A. Manolakis will give an overview of current possibilities, describe the advantages of implementing digital technology and dares to bridge the gap between scienti9ic background and clinical application in daily routine. Beginning with the technological background and the accuracy of intraoral scanners, over digital treatment planning on the basis of CBCTs up to the advantages of the digital fabrication of restorations the team will discuss important background knowledge in combination with practical tricks and tips.
Peter JM Fairbairn (SOUTH AFRICA)
True Bone Regeneration, working with host healing using Bio-active synthetic graft materials
Only the Host can regenerate bone, so working with the miracle of this host response is the optimal route for improved surgical outcomes. With over 6,000 successful grafts over an 18 year period using his published protocol the speaker will show the latest clinical concepts, backed up with scientific research both clinical and animal studies. Materials will be discussed and their potential to up-regulate the host response will be extensively shown again along with the current scientific back up. With Cases in all aspects of surgical and Implant Dentistry, from cyst removal and Buccal defect repair to sinus augmentation and how optimise the results using a more minimal surgical approach.
Alberto Rebauti (ITALY)
Minimally invasive solutions for the implant treatment of bone atrophy

Salvatore Scolavino (ITALY)
"Translucency and Opacity: The endless game"
The aim of this lecture is to teach about the correct management of the preparations, the simplified layering technique and the finishing&polishing procedures, to perform direct adhesive restorations in anterior teeth. The endless game between the opacity and the translucency can change completely the optical perception of the color and for that is required a deep knowledge of composite optical properties. To achieve good direct restoration in anteriors it is an helpful starting point to make correctly all the procedures that can warrant a perfect layering and a correct managing of the anatomy.
Fate of the extracted tooth- Innovation for the present day problems in implant dentistry
Presently numerous types of bone grafts are available for bone augmentation procedures. Autogenous bone graft is a gold standard as a bone graft material but with obvious concerns of additional surgery and morbidity. Allograft, xenograft & alloplast bone grafts provide alternative choices but questions of lack of osteogenicity and graft rejection become obvious concerns. The innovative way of using patients’ extracted teeth has shown to be a viable option to provide an alternative source of autogenous graft with good biocompatability and osteogenicity due to the presence of BMPs and type 1 collagen. In this presentation, we will show cases with follow up on the clinical and histological outcome and its usuage for different clinical scenerios.
ioannis Fourmouzis (GREECE)
Guided Biofilm Therapy
A modern treatment protocol for the management of periodontal and peri-implant diseases Guided biofilm therapy (GBT) is a modern treatment modality that enables dental biofilm management in a systematic and predictable manner. Dental biofilm has been considered as the main etiologic factor for caries, periodontal and peri-implant diseases, as well as a risk factor for systemic diseases. GBT comprises of eight treatment stages based on diagnosis and individual patient’s risk assessment covering disclosure of biofilm, patient-specific oral hygiene instructions, professional and minimally invasive tooth cleaning (using state of the art AIRFLOW®, PERIOFLOW® and PIEZON® technologies) and recalls of the patient based on individual’s risk. With GBT, we can finally carry out professional biofilm management effectively with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency. In our lecture, all the aspects about this innovative and modern concept will be discussed as well as its benefits for both the dentist and the patient.
Faten Ben Amor (Tunisia)
Facial Anatomy: Tips & Traps related to dentistry
Oral surgery is an art in constant evolution, thanks to new techniques that bring more precision in the gesture and patient safety. Therefore the knowledge of the oral cavity anatomy is essential for the dental surgeon who must know the different elements near the surgical sites. Indeed, depending on the region concerned during surgery, the risk of a vascular structure damage can lead to an excessive and uncontrollable Haemorrhage. Moreover, a nervous damage is a possible cause of a paraesthesia or a definitive anesthesia of the concerned territory. This conference aims to present recent data that was collected from our studies based on cone beam computed tomography at the Dental Medicine faculty of Monastir in order to analyse maxillary and mandibular anatomical traps and to suggest tips to avoid them.Upcoming Fac
s Pontium
Friday 20/09/2019
Mootaz Mlouka (Tunisia)
The retro molar canal : a biometric study on 100 CBCTs
Mounir Omami (Tunisia)
A retrospective study on mandibular metastases
Charis Beltes (Greece)
Endodontic Microsurgery. Predicting the unpredictable.
Upcoming Fac
s Pontium
Saturday 21/09/2019
Grazia Leonetti (Italy)
The application of Thermography in Dentistry. Validation of a new Imaging technique for the evaluation of Dental Anxiety: experimental clinical study.
Alessandra Miniello (Italy)
Soft tissue healing in patients undergoing antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy in oral surgery: a controlled clinical study
David Maihles (France)
I can get Satisfaction!

Ady Palti
Ο Δρ. Ady Palti αποφοίτησε από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Klausenburg στη Ρουμανία το 1980. Είναι επισκέπτης καθηγητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο NYU, το Taipei Medical University και το Lasi University. Είναιεπίσης επίκουρος κλινικός καθηγητής στο Temple University. Ο Ady Palti είναι ιδρυτής, πρώην πρόεδρος και επίτιμο μέλος της Γερμανικής Εταιρείας Στοματικής Εμφυτευματολογίας (DGOI). Πρώην πρόεδρος του ICOI και σήμερα Συμπρόεδρος και μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής του ICOI. Κάνει διαλέξεις σε πολλά Διεθνή Συνέδρια εδώ και περισσότερα από 35 χρόνια και έχει δημοσιεύσει πολλά άρθρα για πειραματικές και κλινικές έρευνες. Τα κυριότερα ερευνητικά του πεδία είναι η άμεση τοποθέτηση εμφυτευμάτων και φόρτιση επί των εμφυτευμάτων, η ποσότητα και η πυκνότητα του οστού, τα υλικά αύξησης του οστού, οι μεμβράνες και η τρισδιάστατη πλοήγηση με υπολογιστή. Τηρεί δύο ιδιωτικά ιατρεία στη Γερμανία που εστιάζουν στην εμφυτευματολογία.

Γιώργος Δημητρακόπουλος
Ο Γιώργος Δημητρακόπουλος αποφοίτησε από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών το 2006. Διατηρεί ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στην περιοχή της Χαλκίδας από το 2008 με ιδιαίτερη ενασχόληση τις σύγχρονες τάσεις της βιομιμητικής, της συντηρητικής συγκολλούμενης οδοντιατρικής και της οδοντιατρικής φωτογραφίας. Είναι ομιλητής σεμιναρίων με θεματολογία που αφορά τεχνικές στη χρησιμοποίηση του ελαστικού απομονωτήρα και την άμεση και έμμεση συγκολλούμενη επανορθωτική οδοντιατρική.

Αναστάσιος Μάμαλης
Ο περιοδοντολόγος Δρ. Αναστάσιος Μάμαλης διατηρεί από το 2001 ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στην Αθήνα με αποκλειστική άσκηση περιοδοντολογίας και εμφυτευματολογίας ενώ παράλληλα από το 2007 είναι Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης του Εθνικού και ΚαποδιστριακούΠανεπιστημίουΑθηνών. Έχει επίσης διατελέσει Ερευνητής και Επιστημονικός συνεργάτης του τμήματος Περιοδοντολογίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Τέξας από το 2009 έως το 2011 (University οf Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA). Είναι κάτοχος Διδακτορικού διπλώματος (PhD) στην Πειραματική Φυσιολογία της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Κατέχει Μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο σπουδών στην Περιοδοντολογία (Master’s Degree) και Πτυχίο Οδοντιατρικής (DDS) από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.
Είναι μέλος του Οδοντιατρικού Συλλόγου Αττικής, της Ελληνικής Περιοδοντολογικής Εταιρείας, της European Federation of Periodontology και της ΙΤΙ (International Team for Implantology- Fellow).

Διαμαντής Σπ. Τασσόπουλος
Ο Διαμαντής Τασσόπουλος αποφοίτησε από το Τμήμα Οδοντικής Τεχνολογίαςτου Τ.Ε.Ι. Αθηνών το 1999 και το 2005 έλαβε το πτυχίο Οδοντιατρικής από το Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών. Διέτελεσε επιστημονικός συνεργάτης στα εργαστήρια Κινητής και Ακίνητης Προσθετικής της Οδοντιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών κατά το χρονικό διάστημα 2006 - 2012. Από το 2014 είναι ομιλητής σεμιναρίων με θεματολογία την άμεση και έμμεση συγκολλούμενη επανορθωτική οδοντιατρική. Έχει συμμετάσχει με σειρά επιστημονικών ανακοινώσεων σε συνέδρια σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό. Από το 2007 διατηρεί ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στην γενέτειρα του, την πόλη της Ελευσίνας.

Ιωάννης Βεργούλης
Γεννήθηκε στη Ρόδο το 1975. Το 1999 αποφοίτησε από την Οδοντιατρική Σχολή του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Την περίοδο 2002-2005 ειδικεύτηκε στην Περιοδοντολογία και την χειρουργική των εμφυτευμάτων στο Louisiana State University στην Νέα Ορλεάνη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, από όπου έλαβε και τον τίτλο του Master of Science στην Βιολογία Στόματος. Το 2005 βραβεύτηκε ως καλύτερος μεταπτυχιακός φοιτητής στην Περιοδοντολογία (Wilderman Award) ενώ την ίδια χρονιά βραβεύτηκε για την έρευνά του στον τομέα της οστικής αναγέννησης. Το 2007 ανακυρήκτηκε διπλωματούχος του American Board of Periodontology. Είναι αντιπρόεδρος της Ροδιακής Ακαδημίας Προηγμένης Οδοντιατρικής και μέλος πολλών επιστημονικών οργανισμών. Από το 2006 διατηρεί στην Ρόδο ιδιωτικό ιατρείο με αποκλειστική άσκηση στην Περιοδοντολογία και την Εμφυτευματολογία.
Sunday 22/09/2019
09:00- 09:45 Ioannis Fourmouzis
Guided Biofilm Therapy
Modern Aproach in Periodontitis and Peri-implantitis treatment
09:45-10:30 Dimitris Chatziemmanouil
“The GOAL project” Digital workflow for inhouse guided implantology. Scan, Plan, Print your cases utilizing open softwares
10:30-11:15 Salvatore Scolavino
“Translucency and Opacity: The endless game”
11:15-11:30 SENAME President
11:45-12:15 Faten Ben Amor
Facial Anatomy: Tips & Traps related to dentistry
12:15-12:45 Alain Simonpieri
“Τhe art and science of full arch immediate loading
12:45-13:15 Ahmed Osman
Implant connection influence in long term success
13:15-13:45 Roberto Pistilli
13:45-14:15 Jaafar Mouhyi
Digital guided implant dentistry
14:15-14:45 MARIUSZ DUDA
Do we already need to work with the fully digital workflow in the implant dentistry in every case?
14:45-15:15 Ioannis Vergoulis
Cervical Profile Management of the Peri-implant tissues: A novel concept
15:15-15:45 Eitan Mijirisky
Digital Dentstry “To Invest or not to invest”
15:45-16:15 Gilberto Sammartino
16:15-16:30 Closing Ceremony
...σας περιμένουν την Κυριακή 7/10 για να πραγματοποιήσετε συμφέρουσες αγορές και ταυτόχρονα να παρακολουθήσετε την εκπαιδευτική ημερίδα με άκρως ενδιαφέρουσες ομιλίες.
Ώρες λειτουργίας
9:00π.μ. - 5:00μ.μ.
Ygeia Dent
Social Party
Seminars (Archive)
Date: 22/09/2019
Congresses (Archive)
Date: 22/09/2019
With industrial design elements, exceptional acoustics, functional partitions for flexibility of use depending on the requirements of each event, the Ethniki Asfalistiki building inspires organizers and participants alike in events taking place in either the Conference Hall or the Exhibition Hall. Both the building and technological infrastructure, in conjunction with the experience and expertise of the personnel managing the venue contribute to create an event venue of unparalleled aesthetics and quality.
SYNGROU AVENUE 103-105, ATHENS 117 45 Athens, Greece
Live like an Athenian for 72 hours

Athens, one of the world’s oldest cities has many stories to be told; well acclaimed or yet untold, ancient or contemporary, dazzling or out of everyday life, seasonal or all year around, contrasting and yet matching.This one city of never ending stories is unfolding right before your eyes, in short, crisp and unexpected narratives. Imagine yourself as being one of the characters, part of the plot or simply a light traveller. It all happens in one city that you have to read it to believe it.
Registration Fee
Participation in the 3rd Smart Casual Dentistry Σymposium & SENAME XVI International Congress _ 20-22/09/2019
→ For registrations until Sunday 07 July 2019
participation fee is 175€ +VAT 24%
→ For registrations from Monday 08 July 2019 until Sunday 04 August 2019
participation fee is 225€ +VAT 24%
→ For registrations from Monday 05 August until the day of the conference
participation fee is 285€ + VAT 24%
→ For sename members
participation fee is 165€ + VAT 24%
Date: 20-22/09/2019
- Follow-up of the scientific program theoretical 20 – 22 September 2019
- Coffee & light lunch
- There will be simultaneous greek translation
- Certificate of Attendance
- Envelope with notepad, pen, and forms
- Entrance to the dental exhibition
- Entrance to welcome drink social event at Friday 20 September 2019, which will be held in the conference venue
«Due to the increased flow of the scientific program and practical group seminars, the observance of the program timetable will be strictly observed to avoid delays»