
Webinar με τον Dr. Kyle Stanley | MIS Academy & ΝΕΓΡΙΝ ΙΝ Dental

Η MIS Academy και η εταιρεία NΕΓΡΙΝ ΙΝ Dental σας προσκαλούν στο OFFLINE Webinar με ομιλητή τον  Dr. Kyle Stanley και θέμα “The FIVE biggest mistakes implant dentists make that cause problems”

Για να παρακολουθήσετε το webinar, πατήστε τον σύνδεσμο >> www.mis-implants-academy.com/en/webinar/


This presentation will showcase proven research and how to avoid problems using researched-backed surgical and restorative workflows. By understanding clinical research in implant dentistry, we can understand the peri-implant biology and complications. Both surgeons and restorative doctors must understand these principles for the patient to benefit.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to reduce bone loss and decrease restorative complications
  • Understand both surgical and restorative principles
  • Change your protocol to think biologically and understand the difference between teeth and implants

Σύντομο βιογραφικό του Dr.Stanley

Dr. Kyle Stanley is an award-winning dentist and the chief clinical officer at Pearl, an AI company specializing in diagnostic and business analytics solutions for the dental industry. A graduate and former faculty member of USC’s Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, Dr. Stanley’s esthetics, dental implant, and smile design research has been published in the top international dental journals.

He has been honored with the AAED’s Charles L. Pincus Award for outstanding achievement in esthetic dentistry, and named to the AACD’s The Next Generation of Cosmetic Dentistry and Seattle Study Club’s Top 10 Young Educators in Dentistry lists. As a key opinion leader and public speaker, Dr. Stanley has become the dental industry’s leading advocate for mental health awareness.

His private practice is located in Beverly Hills in the U.S.

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