BDIZ EDI was founded as BDIZ in 1989 to enforce the development of oral implantology for all dentists in Germany. It was only in 1982 when the disciple gained scientific recognition. In 2002 BDIZ agreed upon a new constitution and changed to a European association. BDIZ EDI was born: Bundesverband der implantologisch tätigen Zahnärzte in Europa / European Association of Dental Implantologists.

Not Available

Dates: Module I: 15-18 May 2024,  Athens Greece | Module II: 11-14 July 2024, Athens Greece | Module III: 23-26 October 2024, Athens Greece | Module IV: 15-16 November 2024, Munich Germany

Not Available

Dates: MODULE.#1 11-14/05/2023, MODULE.#2 12-15/07/2023. MODULE.#3 13-15/09/2023, MODULE.#4 17-18/11/2023

Dates: MODULE.#1 12-15/05/2022, MODULE.#2 07-10/07/2022. MODULE.#3 06-08/10/2022, MODULE.#4 18-19/11/2022

Dates: MODULE.#1 8-11/07/2021, MODULE.#2 15-17/10/2021. MODULE.#3 11-14/11/2021, MODULE.#4 02/2022

Not Available

Dates: 6-8/03/2020, 17-20/09/2020, 17-20/10/2020 at Divani Caravel Athens _ 30-31/10/2020 at LMU Munich

Dates:  Module I - 31/10-03/11/2019, Athens → Module II - 06-09/02/2020, Athens → Module III - (TBA), Athens, AthenaSmile Pelekanos Dental Clinic & Divani Caravel → Module IV - (TBA), Athens → Module V - (TBA), Athens, AthenaSmile Pelekanos Dental Clinic → Module VI - (TBA), Athens → Module VII - 06-10/11/2020, Munich - Germany

Not Available

Dates: 12-14/04/2019, 31-02/05-06/2019, 12-14/10/2019 @Divani Caravel _ 01-02/11/2019 @Munich

Not Available

Congresses (Archive)

The Masterminds vol. II

350.00 230.00

Date: 17-18/05/2019 (Athens)